Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snacking--Curtails My Creativity; HELP!

As everyone working with me knows, I’m a huge fan of snacking (my drawer is infamous!!). Snacking  gives me something to look forward to throughout my day (for those of you not lucky enough to have a snack drawer at your disposal--OK, I admit it, mine’s rented--this extensive form of snacking might not be a viable option, but please, continue reading), and it keeps me from wanting to crawl under my desk with a pillow and blanket after gorging myself with an ungodly-sized lunch, which I tend every now and then to purchase—usually when my snack drawer needs restocking.  
Luckily this week is not one such week, as I have a stockpile of wasabi-soy almonds (my one indulgence), walnuts, pistachios, dates, figs, smart-pop kettle corn and green tea. I usually pair the fruit and nuts with tea and a piece of fruit from home and eat the almonds and kettle corn when a salt-craving arises.
However, in my attempt to avoid processed, high sodium/sugar foods as much as possible (as well as stay within my budget), much creativity is needed, and, to be honest, mine’s waning;  and so, I plead with you to share your favorite snacks so I can revamp my drawer during my weekend grocery run.


  1. I scoured my favorite bars to find a vegan-friendly recipe, but no luck. They all had butter or eggs or both. I like to snack on wheat tortillas with peanut butter, craisins, and cinnamon & sugar inside. That probably sounds weird, but I'm okay with that.

  2. It definitely sounds like you. I think I'm going to make next week the week of dips. Lots of pics coming soon.

  3. http://www.delish.com/recipes/cooking-recipes/low-calorie-snacks --a few are vegan friendly.
